A UbiComp 2021 workshop, organized virtually, September 25, 2021
Sensing Blended Experiences
in Professional and Social Contexts
Unlike traditional workshops, SensiBlend is a living experiment about the future of remote, hybrid, and blended experiences within professional and other social contexts. The interplay of interpersonal relationships with tools and spaces—digital and physical—has been abruptly challenged and fundamentally altered as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. With this meta-workshop, we seek to scrutinise and advance the role and impact of Ubiquitous Computing in the new “blended” social reality, and raise questions relating to the specific attributes of socio-technical experiences in the future organisation of interpersonal relationships. How do we better equip people to deal with blended experiences? What dimensions of socio-technical experiences are at stake? To this end, we will utilize the occasion of a virtual UbiComp in combination with novel remote-working tools and participatory sensing with attendees to collectively examine, discuss, and elicit the potential routes of augmenting social practices in a discourse about the future of blended working, socialising, and living.

Paper Submission
15 30 June 2021
Notification to authors
15 July 2021
Camera-ready deadline
31 July 6 August 2021
How to participate
We aim to invite 20-25 participants from diverse domains (UbiComp, HCI, ICMI, CSCW, Architecture, Industrial Design, Social Cognition), both from academia and industry, who are working on themes relevant to the workshop. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers (including organizers and external reviewers). Our acceptance criteria will be a mixture of relevance, novelty, provocativeness, and research quality. Given the theme of this workshop, we are confident to attract a large number of paper submissions which enables us to organize a high-quality workshop.